Porsche Waste Disposal App
Waste disposal quickly and easy
*PDF of the entire scientific document is available upon request
Project Overview
In this project, I was part of a collaboration with students at Ryerson University and Hochschule der Medien Stuttgart (HDM) in cooperation with Porsche AG.
Platforms used for this project:
Miro Board
UX methods used in this project:
User flow testing
Competitive audits
User interviews & user personas
My Role & Responsibilities
I handled the role of UX/UI Designer & AI researcher. I was responsible for:
Competitive analysis
Designing both the low & high fidelity of the e-learning feature
Designing both the low & high fidelity of the report feature
Researching how to integrate image recognition AI & its requirements
Researching and creating IT architecture of how image recognition would integrate with the application and its algorithm
Goals & Objective
The goal is to improve the production process in line with Porsche’s sustainability objectives. This project aims to develop an app-based solution with various advantages that assist production workers with waste disposal in the production process using features such as:
Image recognition
Moreover, this mobile application aims to develop an artificial intelligence algorithm so that it can detect and recognize waste through e-learning and gamification, based on the images surrounding the types of waste generated in the production plant.
Image recognition can then be used to:
Circumvent and automate the problem of incorrect disposal
Mitigate lack of knowledge about disposal
As a result of the waste disposal process, mobile applications will foster better organization, reduce stress levels, and boost workplace morale, ultimately maximizing production workers’ work efficiency in the workplace.
Mockup & Ideas
As a team, we all did our own wireframes then coming together to choose the best of the bunch. Here is a low fidelity of the chosen wireframe.
Final Design & Features
E-Learning: Learn about certain materials and their categorization with images and text.
Gamification: The more the user learns and uses the app, the more points they can gain. Points can be traded for goodies.
Smart Trash Can: Up to date on the capacity of each trash location bin.
Scanning Material: Users can scan materials they might be unsure of. Also directs the user to proper disposal locations.
Manual: A guide workers can use for guidance.
Team Success
Soon following the presentation of our app to many of Porsches employees, it was highly liked and taken into consideration to possibly implement in their company. Some feedback included:
A more efficient training process
On the go training manual
Easy to use
A good response to the rewards system